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Put your money to work with automated investing. No advisory fees.

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Origin Invest

Invest on

We'll help you choose the best portfolio for you and handle everything from trading to re-balancing.

fees, ever

Keep more money in your pocket.

Pick the risk
level that
works for you

Align your risk tolerance with your investment goals.

No Advisory Fees

Most charge at least 0.25% in fees to handle your portfolio. Origin has no advisory fees.

Amount lost in fees over 25 years*


0% in fees

$0 lost to fees

Robo advisors

0.25% AUM fees

$29k lost to fees

Mutual funds

1% in fees

$108k lost to fees

*Assumes $50K initial investment and $5k annual contribution

The extra costs of fund management are reflected in the fund's expense ratio and get passed on to investors. As a result, cheap index funds often cost less than 0.65%—0.17% to 0.40% is typical, with some firms offering even lower expense ratios of 0.05% or less—compared to the much higher fees that actively managed funds command, typically 0.77% up to 1.36%.

The graph is a hypothetical illustration to demonstrate how asset management fees can impact portfolio returns. In this example, we assume a starting portfolio balance of $50,000 and a contribution of $5,000 per year for 25 years. All three examples have a gross rate of assumed return of 7.5%. The net rate of return that is applied assumes the subtraction of the average asset management fees for three distinct service models (Origin, Other Robos, and Traditional Brokers). An investor may have outcomes that are different than what is displayed. All investments have risk and this graph does not represent typical market and investment performance.

Getting Started

Novice investor? Stock market expert? No matter where you're at in your journey, we can help you build an investing strategy that works for you. Included in your Origin membership for $12.99/month.

Answer a few
about yourself

Everyone's financial
journey is unique. We'll
recommend a portfolio
based on your time horizon
and risk tolerance.

Choose how
you want
to invest

Adjust your allocation to make
sure it meets your needs and
goals. Set up recurring transfers
to contribute to your investments
on a regular basis.

Sit back and
enjoy investing
on autopilot

Set it and forget it.
Our technology handles
everything from trading
to re-balancing.

Link Your Accounts

Your investments should be diversified — where you track them shouldn't. Connect all your investing accounts today.


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